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Jamf Pro , Jamf Now
iOS , iPadOS

ComCierge Patient

by HatchMed Corporation

ComCierge is the easy-to-use iOS patient-to-care team communication platform.

ComCierge connects your patient to their care team like never before. Plug and play integration with any nurse call system finally allows an iPad to replace the pillow speaker by giving the patient full control over hospital room, while requests are prioritized to the appropriate care team member.

Leveraging the power of Jamf and AppConfig, the Comcierge app is able to be seamlessly deployed, logged in, and configured all without any physical intervention. This means that Comcerige pairs well with Jamf’s Healthcare Listener which automatically wiping devices on patient discharge. This combination of automatic wiping and settings management creates a complete automated workflow, removing the need for care teams to setup or digitally sanitize devices at the bedside.

With Jamf, ComCierge’s EMR integration allows for a seamless and fully automated patient intake experience and our two-way video call feature connects your patient with their care team, friends, and family from the comfort of their own bed.

ComCierge integrates with your EMR and nurse call to create the best patient experience.

ComCierge seamlessly connects your patient with their care team.

ComCierge's secure two-way video call connects your patient to their care team, family, and friends.

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