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Jamf Pro
iOS , macOS , iPadOS



by BetterCloud

The market leader for SaaSOps, making work better by elevating the role of IT

BetterCloud is the market leader for SaaS Operations (SaaSOps), enabling IT professionals to transform their employee experience, maximize operational efficiency, and centralize data protection. With no-code automation enabling zero touch workflows, thousands of forward-thinking organizations like Walmart, Oscar Health and Square now rely on BetterCloud to automate processes and policies across their cloud application portfolio.

With 10+ years experience pioneering the SaaS Operations movement, BetterCloud now serves the world’s largest community of SaaSOps experts. As host of Altitude, the industry’s leading SaaSOps event, and publisher of The State of SaaSOps report, the category’s definitive research, BetterCloud is recognized by customers (G2) and leading analyst firms (Gartner and Forrester) as the market leader in SaaS Operations Management.


BetterCloud & Jamf Pro Integration

BetterCloud’s integration with Jamf enables IT teams to simplify and automate the management and security of users, applications, and devices within the Apple ecosystem. BetterCloud enables the execution of automated workflows for onboarding and offboarding of users and locking down devices to mitigate insider threats. More specifically, the BetterCloud+ Jamf integration allows specific automated workflow actions to create/delete admins in Jamf Cloud, delete users from Jamf Cloud, lock user devices and require a passcode to unlock them, unlock a user account in Jamf Cloud, and unmanage retired Apple devices from Jamf cloud.


New Use Case: Zero Touch Hardware Procurement w/BetterCloud + Jamf Pro

The need for IT to automate as much as possible has never been greater. Fortunately, in conjunction with a device deployment strategy, enabling a zero touch procurement process is now possible with BetterCloud. BetterCloud listens for the appropriate trigger from identity providers, ITSM solutions, and more to kick off the relevant automation to get the configured system shipped out. Enabling a zero touch approach like this brings value for both IT and employees.


Additional BetterCloud Use Cases 

  • User Lifecycle Management: Automate the processes that occur for a user during their tenure with the company by customizing workflows for employees to join, move, or leave. By automating these workflows, IT will save time and eliminate risk of user-error due to  the many repetitive manual tasks associated with these processes.
  • Application Insights : Gain the ability to view and administer all of the users, groups, and files in an organization’s applications in a single place in order to identify problem areas within your environment. BetterCloud enables controls and tracking to view changes made by system users, which is critical for security coverage and regulatory compliance.
  • Insider Threats: Protect your company from the risks associated with malicious and negligent users that expose your organization’s data within SaaS apps. Uncover data accessibility and misconfigurations, and enforce policies to remediate any overexposed files or misconfigurations across your files or groups including scanning for sensitive content
  • Least Privilege Access: Create delegated admin roles by granting users the minimal permissions required for a user to do his or her job, and nothing more. BetterCloud allows IT to gain control over the objects, data types, applications, and management controls administrators can access.