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Integration , Configuration
Jamf Pro , Jamf School
iOS , iPadOS
Apparel , Automotive , Banking , Architecture , Biotechnology ,


1GLOBAL - eSIM Deployment


Automated 1GLOBAL eSIM distribution for Company owned iPhone and Cellular iPads.

The 1GLOBAL eSIM integration with Jamf Pro enables the remote deployment (zero touch) of 1GLOBAL eSIMs onto institutionalised iOS and iPadOS devices that are managed in Jamf Pro.


The deployment method supports Voice and Data users with eSIM for iPhone, or data only eSIM for both iPhone and iPAD.


Supported in multiple countries including: US, UK, NL, DE, FR, ES, PL, HK, AU - All users can roam to over 200 countries with full voice and data access.  Number porting to 1GLOBAL is also supported in all the above countries.


Key ingredients are:


  • Jamf Pro
  • 1GLOBAL Enterprise account (Post Pay)
  • Company / institutional managed devices


1GLOBAL uses a WebHook API function in Jamf Pro and SmartGroups to get the right eSIM to the right users / groups.

Installing - Zero touch Automated 1GLOBAL eSIM distribution for Company owned iPhone and Cellular iPads.

Installed - Zero touch - Automated 1GLOBAL eSIM distribution for Company owned iPhone and Cellular iPads. -

Remote activation of eSIM - Zero touch

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